
Stephen Lang
Chief Operations Officer
Stephen Lang is the Chief Operations Officer at the Three Valleys Municipal Water District. In this capacity he oversees a staff of 11 employees responsible for operating and maintaining Three Valley’s Miramar treatment facilities and distribution system that includes 5 hydro electric generators; planning and scheduling water deliveries and power operations; ensuring compliance with water quality and safety regulations; construction and maintenance engineering liaison; and responding to emergencies. Mr. Lang also holds the title of Lab Director for the Districts Water Quality Laboratory, which operates as an ELAP State certified Microbiology testing facility.
Mr. Lang has more than 28 years of experience in the water industry, with 22 of those years at Three Valleys MWD, working from Plant operator to now Chief Operations Officer. He holds the highest State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Drinking Water Certification of T5 Water Treatment, D5 Water Distribution and Water Quality Lab analyst Grade 1 Operator.
He is a member of SCWUA Southern California Water Utilities Association, AWWA American Water Works Association. He also heads an elementary school Watch DOGS (Dads Of Great Students) program, and volunteers as a Cub Scout den leader.
Mr. Lang can be reached at (909) 621-5568