
CIP 2025

Capital Improvement Plan


Three Valleys has developed a Capital Improvement Plan detailing current projects, forecasting available funding, and estimating completion timelines.

Doing Business With TVMWD


TVMWD mission is to obtain quality goods and services for operation at the lowest possible overall cost. This includes maintaining a purchasing system that ensures maximum use of fair and open competition and receipt of the best value for funds available, consistent with applicable laws and regulations. The purchasing functions are decentralized, with each Department responsible for compliance with TVMWD policies and procedures. Purchasing responsibility and authority shall be delegated to the lowest possible level consistent with good business practice and sound financial management policy.


All necessary forms, specifications and other bid documents may be viewed and downloaded electronically. Businesses who have registered in the Vendor Portal will receive email notices when a new request for bid or proposal relevant to their line of business is issued.  Any interested party may view the District's solicitations, as well as the bid results and final notices of award, by logging into the Vendor Portal and using the search features to locate the items of interest. 


In accordance with SB 854, contractors must register and meet requirements using the new online application before bidding on public works contracts in California.  Specifically, the law states, “no contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5.”  To register visit the Department of Industrial Relations website.


                  VENDOR REGISTRATION                        DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION OPPORTUNITIES  

Regional Drought Contingency Plan


Although California experienced record-level storms in 2023, we must prepare for the next water shortage as drought conditions caused by hot, dry weather are estimated to continue into the future – now is the time to plan before severe drought impacts return.


To combat these issues, Three Valleys is embarking on the preparation of a Water Resources Master Plan and Drought Contingency Plan (WRMP and DCP) that will help to address regional water supply reliability challenges by identifying and prioritizing projects and actions to be included in a roadmap for enhancing the region’s water supply portfolio. 


Estimated Planning Completion Date: December 2024

Miragrand  Plan  View  North

Six Basins Strategic Plan

Environmental Documentation


The Six Basins Strategic Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) is complete. Three Valleys has evaluated and incorporated comments received on the Draft Program EIR from agencies, organizations, and individuals. The Draft Program EIR was revised with recommendations according to the comments received. In addition, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) is also included for use by Three Valleys and other Watermaster Parties to evaluate subsequent projects.


Public Hearing

A public hearing to consider adoption of the Final Program EIR will be on Wednesday October 20, 2021, at 8:00AM.


Final EIR for the Six Basins Strategic Plan

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs for the Six Basins Strategic Plan


Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (May 2021)

The public review period for the Draft PEIR was for a period of 60 days commencing on May 26, 2021 and ending July 28, 2021.


Volume 1

Draft Program EIR for the Six Basins Strategic Plan


Volume 2

Cover and Table of Contents

Appendix A - Notice of Preparation and Comment Letters 

Appendix B1 - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analyses

Appendix B2 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis 

Appendix B3 - Air Quality / GHG Conformity Analysis

Appendix C - Biological Resources Assessment 

Appendix D - Cultural Resources Due Diligence Report

Appendix E - Selected Figures from the Six Basins Strategic Plan

Appendix F - Noise Analysis 

Appendix G - Traffic Memo

Appendix H - Energy Analysis

Appendix I1 - Draft Strategic Plan 

Appendix I2 - Technical Memo on CWM Alternatives

Appendix I3 - Reconnaissance-Level Recharge Study 


CEQA Submittals

Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal

Summary Form for Electronic Document Submittal